Site Event/Activity record ELI14389 - Excavation at Stamford West
Grid reference | Centred TF 01081 07152 (159m by 375m) (2 map features) |
- Archaeological Excavation
Wessex Archaeology
From 21 Jul 2014 to 16 Oct 2014 (between)
An archaeological excavation was conducted on land at Stamford West to inform a proposed development. Two discrete excavation areas were opened to investigate a rectangular enclosure and nearby iron smelting remains, both of Iron Age date, identified during prior geophysical survey (ELI14386 and ELI14388) and trial trenching (ELI14387). Within and around the enclosure, four phases of Iron Age activity were identified, including three distinct round houses comprised of drip gullies with rings of internal and external postholes. The western ditch of the boundary enclosure truncated the ring ditch of the Phase 2 (Early Iron Age) round house, and was itself truncated by a later phase of boundary ditches possibly indicating a change in land use from domestic to agricultural. In the northern area, two furnances and forty one pits were encountered, many of which (especially those closer to the furnaces) contained quantities of ironworking slag, indicating that they were contemporary. Middle Iron Age pottery was recovered from twenty four of the pits. Two nearby likely contemporary ditches appear to form the corner of a field. A possible irregular enclosure identified in the northern area during the second phase of geophysical survey (ELI14388) was revealed to be a series of shallow fluvial channels. {1}{2}
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Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI18563 Report: Wessex Archaeology. 2017. Stamford West: Archaeological Excavation. -.
- <2> SLI18564 Archive: Wessex Archaeology. 2014. Stamford West: Archaeological Excavation. LCNCC: 2014.91.
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
Record last edited
Nov 14 2024 4:23PM