Source/Archive record (Report) SLI9464 - 34 Tinkle Street, Grimoldby

Title 34 Tinkle Street, Grimoldby
Date/Year 2003
HER Report no. 2853
Archaeological Project Services 64/03


Report on an archaeological watching brief, conducted during groundworks for the construction of an extension to 34 Tinkle Street, Grimoldby. A short length of post-medieval chalk and brick wall was recorded, possibly representing the remains of an earlier post-medieval structure on the site. A single sherd of 17th to early 18th century pottery was recovered from the backfill of the wall's foundation trench, giving a rough date for its construction. A single redeposited sherd of 13th century medieval pottery was also recovered from the site.
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HER M3/8

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Settlement of Grimoldby (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 34 Tinkle Street, Grimoldby

Record last edited

Oct 3 2016 3:40PM



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