Source/Archive record (Index) SLI9377 - North Kesteven Records

Title North Kesteven Records


External Links (0)




Referenced Monuments (12)

  • Irregular enclosures, north of the River Slea, North Kyme (Monument)
  • One Romano-British pottery sherd from cropmark site, Ferry Lane, North Kyme (Find Spot)
  • Roman stone coffin, found between the Car Dyke and Ferry Lane, North Kyme (Find Spot)
  • Site of a round barrow between the Car Dyke and Ferry Lane, North Kyme (Monument)
  • Site of earthwork, Ferry Lane, North Kyme (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of flints over cropmark site, Ferry Lane, North Kyme (Monument)
  • Three medieval pottery sherds from cropmark site, Ferry Lane, North Kyme (Find Spot)
  • Undated pit from Main Street, North Kyme (Monument)
  • Unlocated bronze axe, North Kyme (Find Spot)
  • Unlocated Romano-British mortarium, North Kyme (Find Spot)
  • Unlocated socketed axes, North Kyme (Find Spot)
  • Unlocated stone tools, North Kyme (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (5)

  • Casual field observation between Car Dyke and Ferry Lane, North Kyme
  • Casual field observation, North Kyme
  • Casual field observation, North Kyme
  • Fieldwalking at former earthwork site, Ferry Lane, North Kyme
  • Land on Main Street, North Kyme

Record last edited

Aug 22 2024 2:19PM



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