Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI9048 - 25 St Mary's Street, Stamford

Title 25 St Mary's Street, Stamford
Date/Year 2003


Archive for the programme of historic building recording, conducted during the removal of a 20th century porch to the rear of 25 St Mary's Street, Stamford. The recorded building is a house thought to date to about 1766. The recording revealed structural information about the property, including the use of jettying and brick nogging at the rear, which would suggest an earlier, probably 17th century, date of construction for part of the building.

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City and County Museum LCNCC 2003.79

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • 25-26 St Mary's Street, Stamford (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 25 St Mary's Street, Stamford

Record last edited

Nov 19 2015 11:34AM



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