Source/Archive record (Report) SLI4538 - Hatton-Peterborough 42" Pipeline: Archaeological Investigation of Roman Building at Osbournby

Title Hatton-Peterborough 42" Pipeline: Archaeological Investigation of Roman Building at Osbournby
Date/Year 1980


Includes details of geophysical surveys and fieldwalking, including survey plots

External Links (0)


Mark Gregson; this site is actually in Aunsby & Dembleby parish


SMR Aunsby & Dembleby parish file

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Possible Romano-British farmstead to the south west of Osbournby village (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Fieldwalking at a Roman site near Osbournby
  • Geophysical survey at a Roman site near Osbournby

Record last edited

Oct 18 2007 11:01AM



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