Source/Archive record (Report) SLI1931 - The Giles School, Old Leake
Title | The Giles School, Old Leake |
Author/Originator | Lindsey Archaeological Services |
Date/Year | 1995 |
HER Report no. | 439 |
Report on an archaeological watching brief, conducted during groundworks for an extension to The Giles School, Old Leake. A small number of pits and a series of intercutting ditches were recorded, with finds of late Saxon to medieval pottery being recovered from their fills.
External Links (1)
- (Link to the pdf report in the ADS digital library)
HER 95/12
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI88741 Old Leake Settlement (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI6596 The Giles School, Old Leake
Record last edited
Jul 28 2015 8:56AM