Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI18592 - An Archaeological Watching Brief at Ancaster Roman Town

Title An Archaeological Watching Brief at Ancaster Roman Town
Date/Year 2004


Archive for a programme of archaeological monitoring and recording conducted on the groundworks for a new doctor's surgery on land adjacent to 5 Paddock Close, Ancaster, following prior geophysical survey and trial trenching (ELI6709). During the topsoil strip, the tops of walls relating to a Roman structure were revealed. These were constructed from coursed, roughly dressed limestone blocks with tile spacers and a hard yellow-brown mortar. The extant remains represent the northern end of a two-bay building extending southwards beyond the survey area. Painted wall plaster was preserved in situ on the internal walls in the northwest corner of the building. To the north of the building a large pit containing demolition debris, likely from this structure, was encountered in a service trench. Further west, an east-west aligned post-Roman wall was encountered. A 2m gap between the two sections of wall may represent a former doorway or passage. At the western end of the site, a pair of parallel ditches of Roman date were encountered in another section of service trench.

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City and County Museum LCNCC: 2004.13

Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Northeastern corner of Roman defences, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Roman building remains, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Roman ditches, Ancaster (Monument)
  • Undated wall remains, Ancaster (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Watching brief on land at 5 Paddock Close, Ancaster

Record last edited

Dec 4 2024 12:25PM



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