Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI17822 - New 2 Form Entry Primary School, Poplar Farm, Grantham: An Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation by Trial Trenching
Title | New 2 Form Entry Primary School, Poplar Farm, Grantham: An Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation by Trial Trenching |
Author/Originator | Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd (London) |
Date/Year | 2016 |
Archive for a programme of archaeological monitoring and evaluation by trial trenching undertaken on land at Poplar Farm, Grantham, as part of a planning application for the development of a new primary school. 9 geotechnical test pits and 14 trial trenches were excavated. The evaluation confirmed the existence of medieval ridge and furrow previously identified during geophysical survey on the same site in March 2016 (see ELI13986). A single ditch, two pits, and a posthole also identified during the survey were revealed; these were tentatively given a mesolithic-early neolithic date. Finds comprising mesial sections of two prismatic blades, one blade flint core, and ten flint flakes were recovered from the ditch, which was also previously identified on the geophyiscal survey.
External Links (0)
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI127022 Prehistoric features, Grantham (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI13987 Watching Brief and Evaluation at Poplar Farm School, Grantham
Record last edited
Feb 13 2024 8:45AM