Source/Archive record (Report) SLI17495 - Bucknall Primary School, Bucknall, Lincolnshire
Title | Bucknall Primary School, Bucknall, Lincolnshire |
Author/Originator | City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit |
Date/Year | 1994 |
HER Report no. | 215 |
City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit | 105 |
Report on a watching brief undertaken during groundworks prior to the construction of a new classroom at Bucknall Primary School. No archaeological features were encountered, although a large quantity of 19th/early 20th century pottery and glass was recovered from a deposit, presumably representing occupational waste from the adjacent school.
External Links (0)
HER Digital
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI126520 Primary School, Bucknall, East Lindsey (Building)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI13840 Bucknall Primary School, Bucknall, Lincolnshire
Record last edited
Jun 20 2023 1:35PM