Source/Archive record (Report) SLI16945 - Fen House Farm, North Carlton

Title Fen House Farm, North Carlton
HER Report no. 6664


Report for a heritage impact assessment undertaken for Fen House Farm, North Carlton, in response to proposed development. A site visit was undertaken to assess the house. The farm was constructed in the 19th century and the area that was assessed comprises two cow houses and a short run of three attached stables. All buildings and structures were constructed of a red brown brick laid in English Garden Wall bond. All windows and doors were in modern timber, though some retained original strap hinges and pintles. No historical or architectural features of interest were recorded internally.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Fen House, North Carlton (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Fen House Farm, North Carlton

Record last edited

Sep 3 2021 1:19PM



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