Source/Archive record (Report) SLI16842 - Land North of Nocton Wood House, Nocton

Title Land North of Nocton Wood House, Nocton
Date/Year 2018
HER Report no. 6384
Archaeological Project Services 3/18


Report on a detailed magnetic gradiometer survey, conducted to inform the proposed construction of a new agricultural reservoir on land north of Nocton Wood House. The survey identified few magnetic anomalies, most of which were thought to relate to recent agricultural activity, although did identify the remains of a former field boundary of likely post-medieval date.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Former Field Boundary, Nocton Wood House (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land North of Nocton Wood House, Nocton

Record last edited

Jul 8 2022 11:29AM



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