Source/Archive record (Report) SLI16821 - Laburnum Cottage, Middlefield Lane, Glentham

Title Laburnum Cottage, Middlefield Lane, Glentham
Date/Year 2021
HER Report no. 6650
PCAS Archaeology Ltd 1700


Report on a programme of archaeological monitoring and recording, conducted during groundworks for the construction of a new dwelling on land at Laburnum Cottage, Middlefield Lane, Glentham. A number of late post-medieval and early 20th century features were noted during the monitoring, but no significant earlier features were identified. The features encountered comprised a Victorian or early 20th century brick-lined drain, an irregular shaped pit, from which sherds of 18th to 20th century pottery and animal bone fragments were recovered, and a spread of demolition debris in the south-eastern corner of the site. Mid to late post-medieval pottery, brick and tile fragments were recovered from this spread, along with a likely redeposited fired clay and shell-tempered object, thought to possibly be the remains of a Roman kiln prop.

External Links (1)



HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Possible Roman Kiln Prop, Middlefield Lane, Glentham (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Laburnum Cottage, Middlefield Lane, Glentham

Record last edited

Oct 28 2022 2:05PM



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