Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI15843 - Land off Scothern Road, Nettleham

Title Land off Scothern Road, Nettleham
Date/Year 2014


Archive for the magnetometry survey, conducted to inform proposed residential development on land off Scothern Road, Nettleham. Traces of medieval ridge and furrow were identified across much of the site, along with a concentration of probable pits, ditches and enclosures of unknown date along the eastern boundary of the site. {1}{2} Subsequent trial trenching in this area confirmed the presence of a concentration of pits, ditches and enclosures along the eastern boundary of the site, with artefacts of Roman date being recovered from many of these features. The remains of a Roman structure with a tiled floor was also recorded, along with a possible trackway, and indicates probable Roman settlement activity in this area (see ELI12914).

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City and County Museum LCNCC 2014.170

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Ridge and Furrow, Nettleham (Monument)
  • Roman Settlement Activity, Nettleham (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land off Scothern Road, Nettleham

Record last edited

May 26 2017 11:39AM



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