Source/Archive record (Report) SLI15842 - Land off Scothern Road, Nettleham
Title | Land off Scothern Road, Nettleham |
Author/Originator | Allen Archaeology Ltd |
Date/Year | 2014 |
HER Report no. | 5254 |
Allen Archaeology Ltd | 2014100 |
Report on a magnetometry survey, conducted to inform proposed residential development on land off Scothern Road, Nettleham. Traces of medieval ridge and furrow were identified across much of the site, along with a concentration of probable pits, ditches and enclosures of unknown date along the eastern boundary of the site. {1}{2}
Subsequent trial trenching in this area confirmed the presence of a concentration of pits, ditches and enclosures along the eastern boundary of the site, with artefacts of Roman date being recovered from many of these features. The remains of a Roman structure with a tiled floor was also recorded, along with a possible trackway, and indicates probable Roman settlement activity in this area (see ELI12914).
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- ELI12913 Land off Scothern Road, Nettleham
Record last edited
Jul 6 2017 12:49PM