Source/Archive record (Electronic Communication) SLI15795 - Information about a causeway in Wildmore

Title Information about a causeway in Wildmore
Date/Year 2006


I believe I may have another causeway to report. The Old Series OS, and some earlier maps, show a long, narrow enclosure running from Hermitage, which stood on the N bank of the Witham until 1764, to Frog Hall about 3/4 mile north. This seems to have been known as Armitage Causey in 1630 [Dugdale Imbanking - though the reference might possibly be to a route along the river bank]. Hermitage seems to have been acquired by Kirkstead Abbey 1100x1135; since the name goes back that far, it must be an early religious site. Even if this site proves to be later than the other Witham causeways, may I suggest to Mark that the 2 end-points, the now vanished buildings at TF2481 5105 and 2495 5240, ought to be in the SMR if not listed already. (Note that by 1906 the name Frog Hall had been transferred to a house on the Brothertoft to Coningsby road.) Two questions suggest themselves. First, how was this causeway reached at its north end? I note that, before the general drainage of Wildmore Fen, the land lying along the Castledike was considered among the worst-drained. Perhaps the causeway ran from firmer lands to the north down to the river. Second, why was it thought worthwhile to fence an area whose perimeter was so long in relation to its useful area? If livestock were driven along it to the river, one can see that it might be necessary to prevent them from milling into the soft ground and injuring themselves. That of course does not rule out an earlier, ritual, reason. Rob Wheeler

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E-mail 01 March 2005


Referenced Monuments (1)

  • A causway from the River Witham to Hundle Houses, Wildmore (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Mar 21 2018 10:58AM



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