Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI15560 - Land off Jubilee Avenue, Faldingworth
Title | Land off Jubilee Avenue, Faldingworth |
Author/Originator | Allen Archaeology Ltd |
Date/Year | 2013 |
Archive for the topographic survey and trial trenching, conducted to inform proposed residential development on land off Jubilee Avenue, Faldingworth. The remains of medieval ridge and furrow were recorded, along with a former headland at the northern end of the site. Both the headland and part of the ridge and furrow remains were cut by a hollow way of later, probably early modern, date. A small assemblage of redeposited medieval and Roman pottery was also recovered.
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City and County Museum LCNCC 2013.145
Referenced Monuments (2)
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Record last edited
Aug 4 2016 1:27PM