Source/Archive record (Electronic Communication) SLI15363 - E-mail from Louth Museum

Title E-mail from Louth Museum
Date/Year 2016


Dear Sleaford Museum I write on behalf of Louth Museum. While sorting out the museum store recently we found a small box or Roman potsherds which have been accessioned into the Louth collection (we think probably in 1964) There are several packets of sherds in the box - they include three Iron Age pieces, one piece of Samian ware, one sherd of mortarium, several colour coated ware and several greyware. There is also a packet of iron objects, probably nails. There are probably no more than 20 sherds in total. Most are marked with a grid reference TF125366 or TF124366 or thereabouts. This is a field between Swaton and Horbling, about 1 km west of the Car Dyke. The donor was a Mr Lowis but the donation is unknown by present curators. These clearly do not belong in the Louth Museum collection and, being in your area, we wondered if they would be of interest to you - otherwise we would dispose of them.

External Links (0)



Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Roman and Iron Age finds from the Horbling and Swaton boundary (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Mar 21 2018 10:49AM



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