Source/Archive record (Report) SLI15197 - Land off Woodlands Lane, Market Rasen
Title | Land off Woodlands Lane, Market Rasen |
Author/Originator | Allen Archaeology Ltd |
Date/Year | 2015 |
HER Report no. | 5541 |
Allen Archaeology Ltd | 2015114 |
Report on a fluxgate gradiometer survey, conducted to inform proposed residential development on land off Woodlands Lane, Market Rasen. The survey recorded numerous magnetic anomalies, thought to relate to relatively recent landscaping works associated with the late post-medieval Hamilton Villa Park. No clear evidence for earlier archaeological activity was identified, however.
External Links (1)
- (Link to the pdf report in the ADS digital library)
HER Digital
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MLI92405 Hamilton Villa Park, Market Rasen (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ELI12417 Land off Woodlands Lane, Market Rasen
Record last edited
Apr 26 2019 12:47PM