Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14922 - St Martin's Church, North Owersby

Title St Martin's Church, North Owersby
Date/Year 2014
HER Report no. 5344
Lincs Archaeo-tech 43


Report on a scheme of archaeological monitoring, conducted during the groundworks for drainage improvements to St Martin's Church, North Owersby. Although no archaeological features were encountered, a small quantity of disarticulated human bone was identified, and redeposited sherds of medieval and Roman pottery were also recovered.

External Links (0)



HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Churchyard, Church of St Martin, Owersby (Monument)
  • Roman Pottery, St Martin's Church, North Owersby (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • St Martin's Church, North Owersby

Record last edited

Apr 27 2016 3:58PM



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