Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14774 - Holbeach Bank and Saracens Head S101a Scheme, Clough Road, Holbeach Clough

Title Holbeach Bank and Saracens Head S101a Scheme, Clough Road, Holbeach Clough
Date/Year 2013
HER Report no. 5002
NPS Archaeology 3015


Report on a scheme of archaeological monitoring, conducted during the groundworks for the installation of a new vacuum sewer and two new pumping stations at Clough Road, Holbeach Clough. No significant archaeological features were encountered though a single, unstratified sherd of late medieval or early post-medieval date was recovered.

External Links (1)



HER M13/3

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Pottery Sherd, Clough Road, Holbeach Clough (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Holbeach Bank and Saracens Head S101a Scheme, Clough Road, Holbeach Clough

Record last edited

Feb 24 2015 9:34AM



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