Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14341 - Land North of Kingerby Wood, Osgodby

Title Land North of Kingerby Wood, Osgodby
Date/Year 2013
Allen Archaeology Ltd 2013111
HER Report no. 5070


Report on the excavation of five trial trenches, dug to inform the proposed construction of a new wind turbine and access road on land to the north of Kingerby Wood, Osgodby. A series of re-cut linear features of late Iron Age or early Romano-British date were found in the eastern trenches.
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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Linear Boundary Features, Kingerby Wood (Monument)
  • Medieval Pottery Sherds, Kingerby Wood (Monument)
  • Prehistoric Flints, Kingerby Wood, Osgodby (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Land North of Kingerby Wood, Osgodby

Record last edited

Nov 2 2015 2:20PM



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