Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14240 - East Midlands Electricity Showroom, 191 High Street, Lincoln

Title East Midlands Electricity Showroom, 191 High Street, Lincoln
Date/Year 1992
City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit 10
HER Report no. 5009


Report on the results of a watching brief, conducted by CLAU during the excavation of foundation trenches, prior to redevelopment of the 191 High Street site. The extensively truncated remains of the original cellared structures to the rear of 191 High Street were revealed, along with the remains of a very likely contemporary well. Evidence of earlier medieval and post-medieval occupation of the site was also recorded.

External Links (0)



HER 92/1

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • 190 to 191 High Street, Lincoln (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • East Midlands Electricity Showroom, 191 High Street, Lincoln

Record last edited

Nov 1 2013 3:00PM



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