Source/Archive record (Report) SLI14197 - Tree-Ring Analysis of Oak Timbers from the Roof of 3-3A Vicars' Court, Lincoln

Title Tree-Ring Analysis of Oak Timbers from the Roof of 3-3A Vicars' Court, Lincoln
Date/Year 1996
HER Report no. 4972
English Heritage Ancient Monuments Laboratory 21/96


Report on tree-ring analysis, undertaken of the oak timbers from the roof of 3-3A Vicars' Court, Lincoln. The felling date for the original medieval roof timbers was 1289 to 1334.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Vicars Court and Priests Vicars Houses, Lincoln (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Tree-Ring Analysis of Oak Timbers from the Roof of 3-3A Vicars' Court, Lincoln

Record last edited

Mar 17 2016 9:32AM



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