Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI13229 - The Sycamores, South Street, Alford

Title The Sycamores, South Street, Alford
Date/Year 2009


Archive for the programme of archaeological monitoring and recording, conducted during groundworks for the construction of two new blocks of flats on land at The Sycamores, South Street, Alford. Evidence for 20th century rubbish tipping and disturbance was revealed, along with the remains of two channels of probable natural origin. No archaeologically significant features or deposits were encountered, but two redeposited sherds of medieval Toynton ware were recovered.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2009.95

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Medieval Pottery, South Street, Alford (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • The Sycamores, South Street, Alford

Record last edited

Mar 24 2020 2:16PM



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