Source/Archive record (Report) SLI12828 - Archaeological Investigations on the Harrowby to Aswarby Trunk Main

Title Archaeological Investigations on the Harrowby to Aswarby Trunk Main
Date/Year 2007


External Links (0)


Vicky Mellor


HER M7/1

Referenced Monuments (7)

  • Mesolithic worked flint found to the north of Osbournby (Monument)
  • Mesolithic worked flint found to the north of Osbournby (Monument)
  • Mesolithic worked flint found to the south of Welby (Monument)
  • Probable Land Drain Production Site, Osbournby (Monument)
  • Probable Roman villa near Welby Lodge Farm, Welby (Monument)
  • Roman Activity, Osbournby (Monument)
  • Saxon activity to the north of Osbournby (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Archaeological excavation of features along the route of the Harrowby to Aswarby water pipeline
  • Watching brief along two sections of the Harrowby to Aswarby water pipeline

Record last edited

May 1 2015 11:48AM



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