Source/Archive record (Report) SLI11716 - Lady Anne's Hotel, St Martins, Stamford

Title Lady Anne's Hotel, St Martins, Stamford
Date/Year 2006
HER Report no. 3898
Archaeological Solutions 2115


Report on a building survey, conducted prior to the proposed conversion, refurbishment and extension of Lady Anne's Hotel, St Martins, Stamford. The structure is hotel, formed in the 1980s from the combination of five mid 18th century houses.

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HER M6/5

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Lady Anne's Hotel, 36-38 St Martins, Stamford (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Lady Anne's Hotel, St Martins, Stamford

Record last edited

May 3 2016 2:36PM



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