Source/Archive record (Report) SLI10685 - The Barns, Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton

Title The Barns, Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton
Date/Year 2005
HER Report no. 3465


Report on a photographic survey, conducted of three post-medieval farm buildings known as 'The Barns', at Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton. The structures comprise a former cart shed and stable block dating to the 18th century and a 19th century red brick barn.

External Links (0)



HER M5/8

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Former Barn, Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton (Building)
  • Former Cart Shed, Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton (Building)
  • Stable Block, Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • The Barns, Pingle Lane, Bishop Norton

Record last edited

Apr 23 2015 10:05AM



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