Source/Archive record (Report) SLI10044 - Test Pits at Bairds Mill, Ancaster

Title Test Pits at Bairds Mill, Ancaster
Date/Year 2005
HER Report no. 3185
Archaeological Project Services 36/05


Report on an archaeological watching brief, conducted during the excavation of 11 geotechnical test pits, dug to inform proposed development on land at Bairds Mill, Ancaster. Remains associated with a 19th century malt house complex and its demolition in the 20th century were recorded.

External Links (1)



HER M5/4

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Former Malt Houses, Ermine Street, Ancaster (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Test Pits at Bairds Mill, Ancaster

Record last edited

Feb 16 2017 1:53PM



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