Monument record MLI98597 - Undated Features, Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth


Undated features including possible enclosures, ditches and pits, identified on land at Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth.

Type and Period (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

A number of likely archaeological features were identified as magnetic anomalies in this area in October 2012, during a magnetometry survey conducted to inform proposed residential development on land at Woodlands Drive. The anomalies were concentrated in the south and east of the survey area, and were interpreted as the remains of several possible enclosures, a series of related linear features/ditches and a number of pit-like features, all of unknown date. {1}{2} One of the pit-like features previously identified in the geophysical survey was excavated in March 2013, during subsequent trial trenching on land north of Woodlands Drive. The feature was quite large, at roughly 7.7m wide and 0.8m deep, and was interpreted as a former quarry pit, used to extract the natural limestone. The feature had only one sandy fill with no inclusions, suggesting it was rapidly backfilled after the stone was extracted. No finds were recovered, and the feature remains undated. Several of the other features identified in this area by the previous geophysical survey were also excavated, and were interpreted as a Bronze Age pit (see PRN 39409) and two Iron Age enclosures with associated post holes (see PRN 39410). {3}{4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2012. Land at Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth. APS site code: COWD12.
  •  Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2012. Land at Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth. LCNCC 2012.160.
  •  Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2013. Land North of Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth. APS site code: COWD12.
  •  Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 2013. Land North of Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth. LCNCC 2012.160.



Grid reference Centred SK 9334 2435 (208m by 116m) Estimated from sources

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Feb 10 2025 3:07PM


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