Building record MLI97709 - 8-11 Sheep Market, Spalding


An early to mid 19th century house and shop at 8-11 Sheep Market, Spalding.

Type and Period (2)

  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1820 AD? to 2050 AD)
  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1820 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

8-11 Sheep Market appears to date to the early to mid 19th century. The tower attached to the south-east end is dated 1868, but appears to be of separate construction. The initials G.A.F. on the tower are likely to be those of George Flynn, who owned 8-11 Sheep Market at the time of its purchase by John Thomas White in 1873. Whites seems to have functioned as a small department store selling a wide range of fancy and practical goods from hosiery through art needlework items to toys and cutlery, but White and Son also advertised themselves as General Warehousemen. J.T. White was an important local figure, and the business he started operated for many years from these premises. The building occupies a corner plot and by 2010 had been divided to contain two shops, one of which was still Whites. The building is constructed of brick, rendered and painted, with slate roofs and brick chimneys. It appears as two buildings linked by a shop front; where it turns the corner to meet Abbey Path the roof line of Nos.10-11 is lower than that of Nos.8-9. The first floor windows are mainly sashes, below which are late 19th or early 20th century shop fronts. Inside the plan has been very much altered. In the basement, below the corner of the building, are two massive stone walls which may be the remains of part of the gatehouse of the medieval Spalding Abbey (see MLI22355). Although not nationally listed, the building is of considerable local historical importance for its long association with one prominent Spalding family, and for the survival of its original shop front, which makes a strong contribution to the historic core of Spalding, and to the conservation area. {1}{2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Verbal Communication: Louise Jennings. 2008. Information about stone wall remains in the cellars of 8-11 Sheepmarket, Spalding. -.
  •  Unpublished Document: English Heritage / Historic England. 2008->. Advice Report from a Heritage Asset Assessment. Case No.167604.



Grid reference Centred TF 24625 22636 (32m by 27m) Surveyed

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Record last edited

Nov 22 2024 12:37PM


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