Building record MLI94717 - 21 St George's Square, Stamford


Probable mid 18th century house, built of ashlar stone.

Type and Period (1)

  • (Post Medieval to Modern - 1750 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

The front elevation of the house is dated to 1772. Built in ashlar, the house is slightly lower in build than No.20, with two storeys and attics. It has a stone slate roof with two hipped dormers with casements. At first floor level there are four windows with plain stone frames and triple keystones, while a stone band occurs at the level of the cills. The part metal doorcase is in the Greek Doric style, with a rectangular glazed fanlight. The rear elevation has a balcony on cast iron pillars, with a staircase down to the garden. For the full description and the legal address of this listed building please refer to the appropriate List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. {1} The front range of this house was refaced around 1768, when the house was leased to Robert Miller with the condition that he must rebuilt the front in freestone for at least £100. The lease was renewed in 1772 after this work was completed. In 1847 a range was added to the rear, possibly replacing an earlier one, and the front door was moved to its current position. The cast iron porch dates to the early 19th century. The interior includes an early 19th century staircase. {2}{3} 21 St George's Square is featured in a series of photographs, taken during a site visit to assess its condition in April 2002. The photographs are mainly concerned with the drawing room, the north wall of which has an arched recess flanked by original 18th century doorways and doors. The alcove is considered to be an original feature balanced by the flanking doors to produce symmetry at the northern end of the room. {4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Index: Department of the Environment. 1974. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. 1/162.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1977. An Inventory of Historical Monuments. The Town of Stamford. No 301, pp 122-23, plate 109.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: Nikolaus Pevsner and John Harris, with Nicholas Antram. 1989. Buildings of England: Lincolnshire (Second Edition). p.711.
  •  Photograph: Beryl Lott. 2002. Photographs of 21 St Georges's Square, Stamford. Print. -.



Grid reference Centred TF 03154 07061 (12m by 15m) Surveyed

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Record last edited

Sep 3 2021 1:47PM


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