Monument record MLI91268 - Romano-British enclosed settlement and field system in areas F to H, Baston Quarry
Romano-British enclosed settlement and field system in areas F to H, Baston Quarry
Type and Period (12)
- ENCLOSURE (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- SETTLEMENT (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- PIT (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- ENCLOSED SETTLEMENT (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- FARMSTEAD (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- POST HOLE (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- BEAM SLOT (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- FIELD SYSTEM (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- WELL (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- WATERHOLE (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
- RUBBISH PIT (Roman - 100 AD to 299 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Part of a Romano-British field system and the north west corner of an enclosed settlement of 2nd-3rd century date were found during trial trenching. The enclosed settlement includes the remains of structures, represented by post holes and beam slots, and also numerous pit/wells and water holes which were also used as rubbish dumps. Well preserved organic deposits were found within these features, and leather and vegetable fibre artefacts were recovered from these, including several shoes and a "withy ring" rope. Pottery from the features was all of 2nd-3rd century date, suggesting that the settlement was occupied for a relatively short time. The pottery was mainly locally made domestic wares, but also included some imported wares. These include five stamped Samian vessels, three with complete stamps. Some of the Samian showed evidence of having been repaired with resin, suggesting that these vessels were valued possessions. A number of metal items were also recovered including jewellery fragments, ligula, a silver dress pin, a sewing needle, a corroded coin of Antoninus Pius and numerous nails. It is suggested that this settlement was a farmstead involved in some form of light industry, possibly cheese making. {1}{2}
The remins of the field system and settlement are visible as cropmarks in aerial photographs. {3}
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SLI11725 Report: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. 2007. Excavations at Langtoft: Areas F to H, The Bluebell Land. LAN 05; LAN 06.
- <2> SLI11726 Archive: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. 2007. Excavations at Langtoft: Areas F to H, The Bluebell Land. -.
- <3> SLI89 Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. TF1313/3-4.
Grid reference | Centred TF 1384 1302 (489m by 667m) Estimated from sources |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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