Building record MLI89581 - War memorial, Billinghay


Billinghay war memorial stands within the Old Market Place on the junction of Church Street , Victoria Street and Bridge Street. It was unveiled in 1922.

Type and Period (1)

  • (Early 20th Century to 21st Century - 1922 AD to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

PRN 64371 A war memorial sited in Market Place which consists of a stepped base supporting panels inscribed with the Roll of Honour to the fallen of the First World War and a granite column with capital topped by a foliage design cross. {1} Billinghay war memorial was unveiled and dedicated in 1922. The memorial was carved from Glencoe grey granite by Frederick William Baldock and stands on two York stone steps. It is enclosed by modern, bow-top metal railings. The memorial was originally built to commemorate those who died in the First World War but further names were added after the Second World War. {2} Billinghay War Memorial stands in the village marketplace and was dedicated on 16 April 1922. The memorial remains in its original location, but now stands on a brick peninsula between Church Street and Bridge Street. It is built of Glencoe grey granite with the lowest step of the base in York stone. The memorial has a two-stepped base, square on plan and rising from this is a two-stage square plinth on which stands a round column. The memorial is surrounded by a square railed enclosure and there are white-painted vases at each of the four corners of the memorial’s lowest step and on the paving inside the enclosure. The memorial commemorates 34 local servicemen and one nurse who died during the First World War. Five Second World War names were added after that conflict. In 2009 the memorial was cleaned and additional names from both World Wars were added to it following research by the Royal British Legion; now 44 First and seven Second World War names are commemorated on the memorial. For the full description of this listed building please refer to the National Heritage List for England. {3}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Report: North Kesteven District Council. 2006. Billinghay Conservation Area. Appendix 1, no. 10.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: Michael Credland. 2014. The First World War Memorials of Lincolnshire. p.50.
  •  Website: Historic England (formerly English Heritage). 2011->. The National Heritage List for England. 1434868.



Grid reference Centred TF 15569 54951 (4m by 4m)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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