Monument record MLI88830 - Ridge and Furrow, Claypole
Remains of medieval ridge and furrow, to the north of Claypole.
Type and Period (2)
- RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1599 AD)
- DITCH (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1200 AD to 1599 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Earthworks of medieval ridge and furrow to the north of Claypole, identified on aerial photography by the National Mapping Programme. {1}
Further remains of medieval ridge and furrow were recorded in April 2002, during archaeological monitoring of the construction of new school buildings at School Lane (PRN 36739a - SK 8514 4919). The remains were identified as a parallel series of roughly east to west aligned linear features. A roughly north to south aligned ditch was also recorded, to the immediate west of the furrows, and appeared to define the end of the field in this area. An assemblage of late medieval and early post-medieval pottery and animal bone was recovered from the fill of the ditch, suggesting it was at the edge of the settlement occupation area and had been used for the disposal of domestic refuse. Further sherds of late medieval and early post-medieval pottery were also recovered from the fills of the furrows. {2}{3}
An earthwork survey was conducted in January 2013 to record a small part of the previously identified ridge and furrow adjacent to Barnby Lane (PRN 36739b - SK 8494 4933). The remains of a single block of roughly east to west aligned ridge and furrow was recorded as a series of parallel linear earthworks. {4}{5}
An additional part of the previously identified ridge and furrow was recorded as part of a second detailed earthwork survey, conducted in September 2015, prior to the construction of a new playing field on land off Osterfen Lane (PRN 36739c - SK 8532 4918). The survey recorded a single block of roughly north to south aligned ridge and furrow, covering the whole of the northern half of the modern field. The survey also recorded a probable headland, visible as raised areas of level ground and defining the southern limit of the ridge and furrow. {6}{7}
Sources/Archives (7)
- <1> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. SK8549: LI.740.8.1.
- <2> SLI9861 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2002. School Lane, Claypole. PCA site code: SLC02.
- <3> SLI9862 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology (Lincoln). 2002. School Lane, Claypole. LCNCC 2002.166.
- <4> SLI14190 Report: Midland Archaeological Services. 2013. Land off Barnby Lane, Claypole. MAS site code: TIMM 12.
- <5> SLI14191 Archive: Midland Archaeological Services. 2013. Earthwork Survey and Watching Brief on Land off Barnby Lane, Claypole. LCNCC 2012.191.
- <6> SLI15504 Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2015. Land off Osterfen Lane, Claypole. AAL site code: CLOF 15.
- <7> SLI15505 Archive: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2015. Land off Osterfen Lane, Claypole. LCNCC 2015.151.
Grid reference | Centred SK 8513 4928 (508m by 352m) Estimated from sources |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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