Monument record MLI87040 - Undated pits, ditches and gullies at Manor Pit, Baston
Undated pits, ditches and gullies at Manor Pit, Baston
Type and Period (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 36568
Ten undated anomalies or 'hotspots' were located during geophysical survey of the site. These do not appear to be definitely related to any of the dated features uncovered during later investigations and may or may not be of archaeological origin. {3}
98 trial trenches were excavated at Manor Pit, Baston prior to gravel extraction. Undated ditches pits and gullies were uncovered. {1}{2}
During excavation at Baston Quarry in May and June 2009, Northamptonshire Archaeology revealed an undated enclosure or field division, a gully and four pits. {3}{4}
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SLI9781 Report: Northamptonshire Archaeology. Nov 2004. Trial trenching at Manor Pit, Baston. BP04.
- <2> SLI9782 Archive: Northamptonshire Archaeology. Nov 2004. Trial trenching at Manor Pit, Baston. LCNCC 2004.143.
- <3> SLI8686 Report: John Samuels Archaeological Consultants. Feb 2003. An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment of Land at Manor Pit, Baston. Appendix A.
Grid reference | Centred TF 1242 1493 (1410m by 856m) |
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Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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