Monument record MLI86356 - Undated ditches on land west of Peterborough Road, Crowland


Undated ditches on land west of Peterborough Road, Crowland

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 23917 Archaeological evaluation (trial trenching) along the proposed route of the A1073 relief road between Eye (near Peterborough) and Spalding. The evaluation identified four peat-filled 'ditches'. Excavation suggested that these may have had a natural origin, because some of them has fills that appeared to undercut natural clays. Their profiles were all wide and shallow, but some had steep edges. One feature in particular seemed extremely insubstantial, petering out to the west. Alternatively, these features may have been agricultural in origin, suggested by their common orientation, although their irregular spacing and uneven profiles might point to the more natural explanation. No finds were recovered from these features {1} {2}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Report: Cambridgeshire Archaeological Field Unit. May 2004. Archaeological Evaluation, A1073 Relief Road Between Eye, Peterborough and Spalding. LNWEYSD03.
  •  Archive: Cambridgeshire Archaeological Field Unit. May 2004. Archaeological Evaluation, A1073 Relief Road Between Eye, Peterborough and Spalding. LCNCC 2003.292.
  •  Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2002. A1073 Peterborough to Spalding Road Improvement Scheme. -.



Grid reference Centred TF 23400 08550 (70m by 70m)

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Related Events/Activities (2)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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