Monument record MLI85795 - Site of post-medieval Smithy, Saxby


Site of post-medieval Smithy, Saxby

Type and Period (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 54899 An archaeological watching brief conducted during groundworks for a new house at The Old Blacksmith's Shop, Saxby. The new house was built on the site of The Old Smithy; a small brick and stone building and lean-to outbuildings that had been demolished prior to the first monitoring visit. Part of a wall survived to the south, built of thin pieces of limestone, abutting the stone and brick wall between this and the adjoining property. The boundary wall exhibited numerous phases of construction and repair, and its stratigraphy could not be identified. The boundary wall was dismantled along the footprint of the new house, in preparation for replacement with the eastern wall of the house. Brick foundations from an internal wall of the smithy contained bricks of dimensions 220mm x 110mm x 67mm. A thin layer of topsoil across the plot was removed to about 5m south of the former buildings, revealing waste metal and modern burnt material. A small area of heavily fired ceramic surface was seen to the west of the former building, representing part of a hearth associated with the smithy {1} {2}

Sources/Archives (2)

  •  Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. Dec 2003. The Old Balcksmith's Shop, Saxby; Archaeological Watching Brief Report. SOBS03.
  •  Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. Dec 2003. The Old Balcksmith's Shop, Saxby; Archaeological Watching Brief Report. LCNCC 2003.89.



Grid reference Centred TF 00537 86106 (5m by 11m)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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