Monument record MLI84129 - Ridge and Furrow, Great Ponton


Earthworks of medieval ridge and furrow, to the east of Great Ponton.

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Earthworks of medieval ridge and furrow, to the east of Great Ponton. Identified on aerial photography examined as part of the National Mapping Programme. {1} The ridge and furrow could not be discerned on the Google Maps aerial imagery layer, and appears to have been largely ploughed out by more recent agricultural activity. {2} Traces of more extensive ridge and furrow were identified during a magnetometry survey, conducted in November 2019 in advance of the proposed construction of a new poultry development. The remains lay to the north-east of that originally recorded, and consisted of several adjacent blocks of parallel linear magnetic anomalies, showing divisions in the previous open field system here. {3} Subsequent trial trenching conducted in this area in May 2021 confirmed the pattern of ridge and furrow identified by the previous geophysical survey. The remains were noted as slight undulating earthworks, best surviving in the northern half of the field closest to High Dike. {4}{5}

Sources/Archives (5)

  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. SK9330: LI.736.3.1.
  •  Website: Google. 2006->. Google Maps and Street View. Accessed 12/10/2012.
  •  Report: Headland Archaeology. 2019. Land West of High Dike, Great Ponton. HA site code: HDGP19.
  •  Archive: RSK ADAS Ltd. 2021. High Dike, Great Ponton. LCNCC 2021.78.
  •  Report: RSK ADAS Ltd. 2021. High Dike, Great Ponton. RSK ADAS site code: HDGP21.



Grid reference Centred SK 9392 3093 (469m by 359m) Estimated from Sources

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Dec 29 2022 1:24PM


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