Monument record MLI81000 - Belchford Settlement
Medieval settlement at Belchford.
Type and Period (4)
- SETTLEMENT (Early Medieval/Dark Age to Modern - 1000 AD to 2050 AD)
- TOFT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- DITCH (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- ENCLOSURE (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Full Description
Medieval settlement remains have been recorded as surviving as earthworks, in and around the present village of Belchford. {1}
A sherd of wheelthrown Saxon shell-tempered ware and eleven sherds of post-medieval to early modern pottery were found during a watching brief at Main Road (PRN 43884a - TF 2929 7539). {2}{3}
Three trial trenches were excavated in advance of proposed development of land adjacent to Narrow Lane, Belchford. Evidence of medieval occupation of the site was recorded in the form of a number of pits, a gully and a robbed wall trench. A range of medieval pottery types was recovered though the majority appeared to date to the 13th and 14th centuries (PRN 43884b - TF 2964 7529). {4}{5}
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. TF2975:LI.61.4.1-11.
- <2> SLI6196 Report: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Oct 2000. Watching brief on development at Main Road, Belchford. BFM00.
- <3> SLI6197 Archive: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit. Oct 2000. Watching brief on development at Main Road, Belchford. LCNCC 2000.104.
- <4> SLI14439 Report: PRO Archaeology Services. 2013. Land Adjacent to Narrow Lane, Belchford. PROAS site code: BFNL13.
- <5> SLI14440 Archive: PRO Archaeology Services. 2013. Land Adjacent to Narrow Lane, Belchford. LCNCC 2013.16.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2953 7550 (771m by 859m) Estimated from sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Intervention: Development at Main Road, Belchford (ELI1423)
- Event - Intervention: Land Adjacent to Narrow Lane, Belchford (ELI11531)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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