Monument record MLI60745 - Norton Disney Roman Villa
Norton Disney Roman villa, to the west of Hill Holt Wood.
Type and Period (11)
- VILLA (Roman - 70 AD to 360 AD)
- ENCLOSURE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- PIT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- MOSAIC (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- INHUMATION (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- WELL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- BATH HOUSE (Roman - 300 AD to 360 AD)
- GATEHOUSE (Roman - 200 AD to 360 AD)
- BURIAL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FARMSTEAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
Full Description
A Roman fortified villa in Abbey Field, Norton Disney. Ploughing of the site in 1933 revealed part of a Roman mosaic, which prompted excavation of the site by Oswald. The site was probably occupied from 70 AD to 360 AD, with the site progressing from crude wooden structures to a rich basilican building, defensively ditched in the final phase and finally overwhelmed. The excavations continued until 1937 and identified a considerable number of features and finds, including the remains of 3 skeletons, much samian ware, castor ware and other pottery, objects of glass, bone, bronze and pewter and 22 coins of the emperors Severus to Magentius. A large collection of the material recovered during the excavations was deposited with Newark Museum, including a further 8 coins, believed to have been recovered from the site either during or shortly after the excavations were completed. Catalogues of the material held at Newark have been produced. A collection of glass photographic slides of the excavation are held by the Collection Museum in Lincoln, and a catalogue of these slides has also been produced. A further collection of photographs of the excavations, taken by Reverend Maxwell in 1935, are held in the Collingham and District Local History Society Archive. The site is now arable land with much Roman debris on the surface. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}{9}{10}{11}{12}{13}{14}{15}{16}{17}
The site was field walked between 1971 and 1975, and numerous finds were recovered. These included a further 212 coins, a stone hammer, brooches (types including 1 head stud brooch, two dolphin brooches and an early 'ribbed' brooch), rings (including a bronze example with a blue glass bezel), studs and clasps. A bronze arrowhead was also recovered which may be Bronze Age or Roman and may be exotic, perhaps originating in the Near East. {18}
A number of aerial photographs of this area are held at the Historic England Archive. These photographs show extensive cropmarks of Roman and possibly earlier settlement activity, and include a shot of the site taken by OGS Crawford in 1933, prior to Oswald's excavations. {19}{20}{21}
The villa was surrounded by two phases of a 3rd and 4th century, curvilinear, double-ditched enclosure with a substantial gatehouse. If seen as a cropmark the enclosure would be easily confused with an Iron Age or non-villa settlement. There is no evidence for post 4th century activity, which could be an indication of consolidation of landholdings and the resultant abandonment of the settlement. {22}
Fragments of Roman tile were collected in January 2018, from the surface of the fields in the area around the Norton Disney Roman villa site. The fragments were thought to comprise pieces of floor tile and possibly flue-liner material. {23}{24}
An assessment of the available aerial imagery and lidar data for the area around the villa site was conducted in June 2018. This analysis supported and expanded slightly upon the remains previously identified by the National Mapping Programme project, giving some extra detail of features and ditches within the villa site. {25}
Sources/Archives (25)
- <1> SLI17002 Article in Serial: 1933. 'Roman Relic Near Newark' in the Lincolnshire Echo. 04/10/1933, p.1.
- <2> SLI16066 Article in Serial: 1933. 'Lincolnshire Relics of Great Antiquarian Importance' in the Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury. 06/10/1933, p.10.
- <3> SLI16067 Article in Serial: 1933. 'Site of Roman Villa Discovered on Lincs Farm' in the Nottingham Journal. 06/10/1933, p.7.
- <4> SLI8578 Article in Serial: 1933. 'Site of Roman Remains at Norton' in the Lincolnshire Echo. 06/10/1933, p.1.
- <5> SLI16068 Article in Serial: 1933. 'Remains of Roman Villa Unearthed Near Newark' in the Newark Advertiser. 11/10/1933, p.12.
- <6> SLI323 Article in Serial: C.W. Phillips. 1935. 'The Present State of Archaeology in Lincolnshire: Part 2' in the Archaeological Journal. vol.91, pp.112, 176.
- <7> SLI17003 Article in Serial: 1935. 'Discoveries at Norton Disney' in the Lincolnshire Echo. 05/07/1935, p.4.
- <8> SLI17004 Article in Serial: 1936. 'When the Romans Were in Nottinghamshire' in the Nottingham Evening Post. 28/12/1936, p.4.
- <9> SLI17005 Article in Serial: 1937. 'Fate of Roman Country Mansion' in the Nottingham Evening Post. 16/02/1937, p.5.
- <10> SLI240 Article in Serial: Adrian Oswald. 1937. 'A Roman Fortified Villa at Norton Disney, Lincs.' in the Antiquaries Journal. vol.17, no.2, pp.138-78.
- <11> SLI7133 Index: North Kesteven Records. Norton Disney. NK47.15.
- <12> SLI2344 Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. SK 86 SE: 5.
- <13> SLI4195 Scheduling Record: HBMC. AM 7. SAM 81.
- <14> SLI16069 Index: Newark Museum. 2018. Catalogue of Coins Recovered From Norton Disney Roman Villa Site. -.
- <15> SLI16070 Index: Newark Museum. 2018. Catalogue of Finds Recovered From Norton Disney Roman Villa Site. -.
- <16> SLI3711 Photograph: City and County Museum. 1998. Norton Disney Roman Villa Site Excavation Photographs. LCNCC 1998.12.
- <17> SLI16144 Photograph: Reverend Maxwell. 1935. Norton Disney Roman Villa Site Excavation Photographs. Archive EF/AA/MAX/2.
- <18> SLI2881 Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. SK 86 SE: E.
- <19> SLI148 Aerial Photograph: O.G.S. Crawford. 1920-46. RCHM. 9745.56.23 (1933).
- <20> SLI173 Aerial Photograph: 1945-84. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COLLECTION. YV65 (22/06/1959).
- <21> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. SK8560: LI.703.5.1-8.
- <22> SLI5405 Article in Monograph: Helen Winton. 1998. 'The cropmark evidence for Prehistoric and Roman settlement in west Lincolnshire' in Lincolnshire's Archaeology from the Air. pp.53-4, 58.
- <23> SLI16071 Electronic Communication: Ken Sadler. 2018. Information from Ken Sadler. 23/01/2018.
- <24> SLI16072 Electronic Communication: Richard Parker. 2018. Information from Richard Parker. 22/03/2018.
- <25> SLI17001 Report: Air Photo Services. 2018. Norton Disney, Lincolnshire. -.
Grid reference | Centred SK 8596 6020 (315m by 288m) Estimated from sources |
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Record last edited
Jan 20 2025 3:14PM
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