Building record MLI53870 - Cottingham's Mill, Scotter


Tower windmill, built in 1874, replacing a previous post mill nearby. The mill worked until the late 1930s and afterwards became a store. Later converted to residential use.

Type and Period (4)

  • (Post Medieval to Mid 20th Century - 1874 AD to 1935 AD?)
  • (Mid 20th Century to Late 20th Century - 1935 AD? to 1990 AD?)
  • (Post Medieval to Mid 20th Century - 1874 AD to 1935 AD?)
  • (Late 20th Century to 21st Century - 1990 AD? to 2050 AD?)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

The windmill at Scotter was built in 1874 by the millwright Hett of Brigg, to replace an earlier nearby post mill (see MLI50070). The mill worked until the late 1930's, after which it stood in dereliction for some time before the cap and sails were dismantled. The mill had four patent sails, which drove two pairs of grey and one pair of French stones. The tower now stands disused, with the top two storeys also since removed at some point before 1986. One bedstone is said to remain, but otherwise all the machinery has been removed. For the full description and the legal address of this listed building please refer to the appropriate List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. {1}{2}{3} The mill survived to five storeys in 1965, and was about 50ft high. The first two floors were being used as a hay barn and the higher floors were intact but unsafe. The structure was built of brick with a coating of tar. The cap and the sails had been removed a year before (1963 to 1964) because they were unsafe, and the top was therefore open at the time of survey. {4}{5}{6} The remains of the tower mill were condolidated to four storeys and converted to residential use in the late 20th century. {7}

Sources/Archives (7)

  •  Bibliographic Reference: Peter Dolman. 1986. Lincolnshire Windmills: A Contemporary Survey. pp.24, 55.
  •  Unpublished Document: R.G. Smith. 1976. Scotter and its Neighbourhood Before the Norman Conquest. REPORT 18.
  •  Index: Department of the Environment. 1985. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. 2/49.
  •  Index: Lincoln Local History Society. 1964-66. LLHS Industrial Archaeology Report Cards. LI/SLHA/NRW37.
  •  Index: 1992-97. Index Record for Industrial Sites. LI/SLHA/NRW37.
  •  Unpublished Document: Historic England. Document Held by The Historic England Archive. BF003105.
  •  Bibliographic Reference: David Jager. 2007. Windmills of Lincolnshire Surviving into the 21st Century. p.161 (WL15).



Grid reference Centred SE 88332 00527 (8m by 8m) Surveyed

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Record last edited

Mar 3 2023 3:22PM


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