Building record MLI53114 - Normanby Mill
Post-medieval, water-powered corn mill and stable block. Thought to date to the late 18th century, and operated until c.1945. Possibly incorporates remains of an earlier medieval mill building, and later used for storage.
Type and Period (5)
- WATERMILL (Post Medieval to Second World War - 1750 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- STOREHOUSE (Second World War to 21st Century - 1945 AD? to 2050 AD)
- CORN MILL (Post Medieval to Second World War - 1750 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- STABLE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1750 AD? to 2050 AD)
- WATERMILL ? (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1750 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
A watermill named Normanby Mill is marked on the 1st edition 6" Ordnance Survey County Series map, where it is labelled as a corn mill. There is evidence to suggest that, although built by a farmer for his own use, milling was undertaken for others. The building is single storey, with the waterwheel located on the south-west gable of the mill building. The wheel has been removed, but a dry leat and brick culverted wheel pit chamber survive behind, indicating that it was an overshot wheel. It was built in the late 18th century and was in use until c.1945. The machinery was subsequently removed and installed at Hill's Mill, Market Rasen. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}
The mill machinery was formerly housed in the western, stone-rubble constructed part of the building. This part of the structure was used for general farm storage after the removal of the mill machinery. The eastern part of the building appears to have been a later, brick-built addition, and functioned as a stable block. The pitched roof is covered by clay pantiles, with an extended catslide roof to the older, stone-built part of the building. {6}
Documentary evidence would suggest that there has been a mill on this site since the medieval period. The history of the ownership and operation of the later mill building is reasonably well understood, with the mill being estate owned for much of its existence and let to tenants. Based on wear grooves noted on the external western gable, the overshot waterwheel is thought to have been around 12ft in diameter. Although most of the mill machinery was removed, the wooden hurst frame which formerly carried the millstones survived, although without evidence showing the position and numbers of stones previously used. {7}
Whilst not included in the detailed programme of historic building recording of the farmhouse to the south (see MLI125695), the former mill building at Mill House Farm was briefly investigated in December 2019. Analysis of historic Ordnance Surveys maps of this area would suggest that the eastern half of this structure was built in about 1900, replacing earlier lean-to structures attached to the main mill building here. It was thought that the use of random and uncoursed stone rubble to the western part of this building might suggest an earlier, possibly medieval origin for the mill, or that it had perhaps re-used earlier material in its construction in the late 18th century. {8}{9}
Sources/Archives (9)
- <1> SLI9454 Map: Ordnance Survey. 1883-1888. 6 Inch County Series Map - First Edition. 1:10560. TF 19 SW.
- <2> SLI1137 Bibliographic Reference: Stewart E. Squires. 1983. West Lindsey Yesterday: 1880-1980. p.10.
- <3> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF1392: LI.247.1.2.
- <4> SLI181 Aerial Photograph: InnerVisions Aerial Photography. 1993->. InnerVisions Aerial Photographs. 180/0597/18a (1997).
- <5> SLI2308 Index: 1992-97. Index Record for Industrial Sites. LI/SLHA/SES10.
- <6> SLI16578 Report: Kelly & MacPherson Architects. 2019. Mill House, Walesby. -.
- <7> SLI17541 Unpublished Document: Jon A. Sass. 2019. Normanby le Wold Watermill. -.
- <8> SLI16579 Report: Neville Hall. 2020. Mill House Farm, Moor Road, Walesby. NH site code: MFWA19.
- <9> SLI16580 Archive: Neville Hall. 2020. Mill House Farm, Moor Road, Walesby. LCNCC 2019.221.
Grid reference | Centred TF 13031 92982 (18m by 11m) Surveyed |
Related Monuments/Buildings (2)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Survey: Mill House Farm, Moor Road, Walesby (ELI13374)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit to Mill House, Walesby (ELI13373)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 24 2025 4:15PM
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