Monument record MLI51555 - Cropmark enclosure and artefact scatter from Wold Farm


Cropmark enclosure and artefact scatter from Wold Farm

Type and Period (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

LARGE DITCHED ENCLOSURE OF UNKNOWN DATE. {1}{2} At TF118999, near Wold Farm, a large collection of Romano-British grey ware and Samian was recovered {3} Systematic fieldwalking was undertaken on land at TF116999 by Durham University (15 and 16 November 2003). The fieldwalking revealed a low to moderate spread of Romano-British pottery sherds, comprising mainly grey wares, though one sherd of burnt Samian was also retrieved. Fragments of Romano-British quern milling stones were recovered; these being fashioned from distinctive Spilsby Sandstone. Oyster shells were also recovered, plus a small number of post medieval and modern pottery sherds and iron nails. In the round the evidence suggests that a farmstead of Roman date perhaps existed in this location. {4}

Sources/Archives (4)

  •  Bibliographic Reference: P.L. Everson, C.C. Taylor and C.J. Dunn. 1991. Change and Continuity: Rural Settlement in North-West Lincolnshire. Archive Notes.
  •  Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. TF1199: LI.237.17.1.
  •  Correspondence: Kevin Leahy. 1998. Letter Regarding Finds From the Caistor Area, Received by Scunthorpe Museum. 24/07/1998.
  •  Correspondence: Willis, Stephen. Nov 2003. Initial Report of Field Walking in TF 11 99, east of Nettleton Village. PARISH FILE.



Grid reference Centred TF 1171 9991 (214m by 125m)

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Record last edited

Dec 9 2021 1:09PM


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