Monument record MLI50444 - Probable Barrow Cemetery, Walesby
Soilmarks of a probable dispersed barrow cemetery of at least 5 barrows, around the High Street, to the north-east of Walesby.
Type and Period (2)
- BARROW CEMETERY (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 801 BC)
- ROUND BARROW (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 801 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
Soilmarks of a dispersed barrow cemetery of at least 5 barrows, around the High Street, to the north-east of Walesby.
C.W. Phillips first recorded the remains of a possible round barrow at TF 148 940 in 1931. The feature had been almost entirely destroyed by cultivation.
A second was recorded by Ordnance Survey Field Investigators in 1963, as a low mound c.0.3m high, at TF 14917 93675.
A further two possible round barrows were noticed by D. Everatt in 1970, as soilmarks during ploughing at TF 148 938. {1}{2}{3}{4}
A fifth barrow was noted on an aerial photograph taken in 1980, as a soilmark at TF 1448 9369. This particular barrow lies towards the western edge of the probable cemetery site, and was visible as a single-ditched circular enclosure, measuring roughly 12m in diameter. {5}{6}
Trial pits dug at TF 1450 9385, on the line of a Petrofina pipeline found no evidence of archaeological features save for one possible posthole. A geophysical survey conducted at the same time identified two possible lengths of ditch and other possible features. {7}
More recent aerial photography taken of this area in 2000, shows the round barrows noted by Everatt at TF 148 938 still survive as cropmarks. The first barrow is located at TF 14864 93904, and is defined by a single ditch, roughly oval in shape, aligned north-south, and measures 33m in length. The second is located at TF 14786 93878, but is not visible as a whole feature on the photography. What is visible is single ditch defined, and approximately 47m in length. {8}
Further aerial photography taken in 2004 shows the barrow noted by the OS Field Investigators also survives as cropmarks. It is more accurately located at TF 14920 93684 (rather than TF 14920 93684), and is defined by a circular ditch approximately 29.5m in diameter. The area within the ditch is slightly paler in colour and is thought to represent remains of mound material. The low spread mound is visible as a shallow earthwork on a digital elevation model derived from 2m gridded height data. This particular barrow lies to the immediate north-west of an earlier Neolithic long barrow (see MLI127018), on which the larger round barrow cemetery may have been sited. {9}{10}
Sources/Archives (10)
- <1> SLI2881 Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. TF 19 SW : S, AG, AO.
- <2> SLI2344 Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. TF 19 SW: 16.
- <3> SLI780 Article in Serial: Catherine M. Wilson. 1971. 'Archaeological notes, 1970' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. vol.6, p.6.
- <4> SLI723 Article in Serial: Dilwyn Jones. 1988. 'Aerial Reconnaissance and Prehistoric and Romano-British Archaeology in Northern Lincolnshire - A Sample Survey' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. vol.23, figs.8, 14, appendix p.2.
- <5> SLI150 Aerial Photograph: Paul Everson. 1975-90. RCHM. 2946/15, 17 (1980).
- <6> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF1493: LI.245.5.1.
- <7> SLI3494 Report: Trust for Lincolnshire Archaeology. 1990. Petrofina Pipeline - Humber to Buncefield. HB 06-01.
- <8> SLI89 Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR TF 1494/29 (17475/18) (07/07/2000).
- <9> SLI89 Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR TF 1493/39 (17995/11-12) (26/05/2004).
- <10> SLI89 Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. TF1493 (02/05/2008).
Grid reference | Centred TF 1472 9382 (534m by 447m) Estimated from Sources |
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Record last edited
Feb 13 2025 9:55AM
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