Monument record MLI41865 - Iron Age to Roman Enclosure, Horncastle
Iron Age to Roman Enclosure, Horncastle
Type and Period (4)
- ENCLOSURE (Middle Iron Age to Roman - 200 BC to 409 AD)
- ENCLOSURE (Middle Iron Age to Roman - 200 BC to 409 AD)
- STOCK ENCLOSURE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FARMSTEAD ? (Middle Iron Age to Roman - 200 BC to 300 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
PRN 41865 includes the now deleted record of 43240
A sub rectangular enclosure with features visible on the east side on the aerial photograph. {1}{2}{3}
A late Iron Age/Roman quadrilateral enclosure complex has been defined, thought to date between 200 BC to AD300, it consists of a central enclosure of approximately 3400 square meters which is bounded by large v-shaped ditches with smaller extensions adjoining the east and possibly the west sides. The entire enclosure measures 55 x 135 metres in all. The lack of internal features and artefactual material combined with its location suggest that the site functioned as a stock enclosure. {4}{5}{6}{7}
Sources/Archives (9)
- <1> SLI3096 Index: SMR FILE. HORNCASTLE. TF 26 NE S,1978, TMA.
- <2> SLI175 Aerial Photograph: J.K.S. St Joseph. 1945-79. Cambridge University Collection. BT:54.
- <3> SLI2569 Index: OS CARD INDEX. HORNCASTLE. TF 26 NE 4,1964, HARPER F R.
- <4> SLI700 Article in Serial: Field, F.N. and Hurst, Henry. 1983. 'Roman Horncastle' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. VOL 18 P 78.
- <5> SLI700 Article in Serial: Field, F.N. and Hurst, Henry. 1983. 'Roman Horncastle' in Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. vol. 18, FIG 25.
- <6> SLI1923 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 1994. Mareham Road, Horncastle. -.
- <7> SLI697 Article in Serial: F.N. Field and I. George. 1995. Archaeology in Lincolnshire. VOL 30 P 42.
- <8> SLI3613 Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. TF2669:LI.182.3.1-2,1993, .
- <9> SLI3486 Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 1993. Mareham Road, Horncastle. -.
Grid reference | Centred TF 2675 6901 (201m by 147m) |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
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Record last edited
Jul 7 2021 3:39PM
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