Monument record MLI34880 - Iron Age saltworkings, Langtoft


Iron Age saltworkings, Langtoft

Type and Period (6)

  • (Middle Iron Age - 400 BC to 101 BC)
  • (Middle Iron Age - 400 BC to 101 BC)
  • (Middle Iron Age - 400 BC to 101 BC)
  • (Middle Iron Age - 400 BC to 101 BC)
  • (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
  • (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

PRN 34880 Trial excavations and geophysical survey identified archaeological features associated with saltmaking. Briquetage and pottery of Iron Age date (probably middle Iron Age c.400-150 BC) were also recovered. An earlier fieldwalking survey also collected briquetage. {1} Further excavations at Glebe Land were undertaken by Cambridge Archaeological Unit between October 2008 and January 2009. Gullies, pits and post holes associated with Iron Age pottery and briquetage and animal bone were recorded. {2}{3}

Sources/Archives (3)

  •  Report: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire. 1992. Archaeological Evaluation at Langtoft Common, Langtoft. -.
  •  Report: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. 2010. Further Excavations at Langtoft: The Glebe Land 2007/8. CAU site code: LGL 08.
  •  Archive: Cambridge Archaeological Unit. 2010. Further Excavations at Langtoft: The Glebe Land 2007/8. LGL08.



Grid reference Centred TF 1464 1397 (197m by 196m)

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Related Events/Activities (3)

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Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 8:35PM


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