Building record MLI23568 - White Hart Hotel, 19 Market Place, Spalding
White Hart Hotel, 19 Market Place, Spalding.
Type and Period (5)
- INN (Medieval to Modern - 1450 AD to 2050 AD)
- TIMBER FRAMED BUILDING (Medieval to Modern - 1450 AD to 2050 AD)
- HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1880 AD?)
- ARTEFACT SCATTER (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1500 AD to 1899 AD)
- RESTAURANT (Late 20th Century to 21st Century - 1990 AD? to 2050 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
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Full Description
The White Hart Hotel consists of an interconnecting series of three timber-framed and brick constructions with roofs of predominantly Welsh slate. A late 14th century origin is popularly assigned to the building. The earliest identifiable remains are late 15th century. The four-bay street range is jettied on the south front towards the market place. A range at the west end is probably contemporary. A late 17th century two-storey, three bay house adjoins the White Hart to the rear, and is known as The Merchants House. This house was re-fronted during the second half of the 18th century. Extensive refurbishment was undertaken c.1720, possibly as a result of a fire in Spalding in 1715. There are various 18th and 19th century alterations. For the full description and the legal address of this listed building please refer to the appropiate List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}
A single trial trench was excavated within one of the buildings at the rear of the White Hart Hotel in September 1999, to inform proposed re-development of this part of the former hotel complex. Dumped layers containing domestic refuse, directly associated with the early post-medieval activities of the inn, were recorded along with foundation deposits and floors of the later buildings. An assemblage of local and imported pottery and clay pipes, animal bone, brick, tile and glass vessels, dating from the late 16th to early 18th centuries, was recovered from the dumped deposits. {6}{7}
A dendrochronological study was conducted of the oak timbers from two parts of the White Hart Hotel in March 2001. Analysis of samples taken from the front range of the building indicate that its timbers were likely felled in 1477-1478, with construction of this part likely following soon after. Only one sample from the west rear range could be dated, but a broadly contemporary date for this construction of this part of the inn complex was suggested. {8}
An assessment of the significance of the building was produced in July 2016, to inform the proposed conversion of part of the structure to use as a retail unit with café. A brief summary of the building's history and development was included, detailing the various phases of alterations that are known about through historical research. The building is thought to have its origins in the late 15th century, although was extensively re-modelled in c.1720, possibly after the Great Fire of Spalding in 1715 caused severe damage to many properties in the town. The central carriage arch and seven-bay pattern of fenestration to the front elevation are thought to date to this period. Further re-building and re-modelling is thought to have occurred after the building suffered bomb damage during the Second World War. {9}
Sources/Archives (9)
- <1> SLI11517 Index: Department of the Environment. 1975. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. 1/99.
- <2> SLI12350 Report: South Holland District Council. 2007. Spalding Conservation Area Appraisal. Historic Commercial Centre character area.
- <3> SLI1062 Bibliographic Reference: Nikolaus Pevsner and John Harris, with Nicholas Antram. 1989. Buildings of England: Lincolnshire (Second Edition). p.674.
- <4> SLI4838 Report: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1995. White Hart Hotel, 19 Market Place, Spalding. -.
- <5> SLI14943 Article in Serial: Menuge, Adam. 1996. 'The White Hart Hotel, 19 Market Place, Spalding, Lincolnshire' in Vernacular Architecture. vol.27.1, pp.57-58.
- <6> SLI5696 Report: Archaeological Project Services. 1999. Land Adjacent to the White Hart Hotel, Market Place, Spalding. APS site code: SPW 99.
- <7> SLI5697 Archive: Archaeological Project Services. 1999. Land Adjacent to the White Hart Hotel, Market Place, Spalding. LCNCC 243.99.
- <8> SLI7397 Report: English Heritage. 2001. White Hart Hotel Spalding. -.
- <9> SLI15582 Report: Elizabeth Mayle. 2016. 19 Market Place, Spalding. -.
Grid reference | Centred TF 24794 22676 (39m by 48m) Surveyed |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (6)
- Event - Survey: 19 Market Place, Spalding (ELI12759)
- Event - Intervention: Land Adjacent to the White Hart Hotel, Market Place, Spalding (ELI1016)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit to Spalding Conservation Area (Including Proposed Extensions) (ELI9723)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit to the White Hart Hotel, Market Place, Spalding (ELI9842)
- Event - Survey: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the White Hart Hotel, Market Place, Spalding (ELI2759)
- Event - Survey: White Hart Hotel, 19 Market Place, Spalding (ELI377)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Mar 21 2021 8:35PM
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