Monument record MLI127439 - Rectlinear Feature, Possible Quarry, Dunston
A large rectlinear feature identified in geophysical survey, excavation, and visible in LIDAR interpreted as a possible shallow quarry. No dating evidence has been recovered. Residual Roman, medieval, and post-medieval material was encountered during excavation although the feature appears to be on the same alignment as modern field boundaries.
Type and Period (2)
- QUARRY ? (Unknown date)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Full Description
A large rectlinear feature defined by a ditch and depression in the ground c. 275m long by 60m wide and 0.75m deep was identified in geophysical survey in 2016 {1} and 2023 {2}, excavation {3}{4}{5}{6}, and is visible in LIDAR {7}.
Initial investigations by trial trenching in 2016 {3}{4} recorded a mix of stratified and unstratified material including a Mesolithic flint, abraded Roman pottery sherds, medieval pottery sherds, a probably post-medieval iron hook, and post-medieval to modern pottery and ceramic building material (CBM). Following trial trenching, a scheme of strip, map, record (SMR) was undertaken in 2021 {5}[6}, with no further finds recorded. The previous interpretation of an enclosure was doubted, although the 2023 scheme of geophysical survey {2} suggested the extension and morphology of the feature may suggest a quarry which has been filled by later ploughsoil which may explain the nature of the finds.
The feature appears to be on the same alignment as modern field boundaries which may suggest a post-enclosure date, although it is not visible on First Edition Ordnance Survey mapping.
Sources/Archives (7)
- <1> SLI18657 Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2023. Geophysical Magnetometry Survey Report, Dunston Quarry Extension. -.
- <2> SLI18650 Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2016. Archaeological Geophysical Survey, Dunston Quarry. -.
- <3> SLI18651 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2016. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land to the South of Dunston Quarry. PCAS Site Code DUNE16.
- <4> SLI18652 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2016. Archive for Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land to the South of Dunston Quarry. LCNCC 2016.60.
- <5> SLI18653 Report: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2023. Archaeological Strip, Map, and Record Report, Dunston Quarry, B1188, Lincoln Road. PCAS Site Code DQLX 19.
- <6> SLI18654 Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeological Services Ltd. 2023. Archive for Archaeological Strip, Map, and Record, Dunston Quarry, B1188, Lincoln Road. -.
- <7> SLI11584 Digital Archive: Environment Agency. 2006->. LiDAR Scan Data. -.
Grid reference | Centred TF 0533 6289 (122m by 258m) Estimated from Sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological Evaluation, Land to the South of Dunston Quarry (ELI14440)
- Event - Survey: Archaeological Geophysical Survey, Dunston Quarry (ELI14439)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological Strip, Map, and Record, Dunston Quarry, B1188, Lincoln Road (ELI14442)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical Magnetometry Survey, Dunston Quarry Extension (ELI14443)
Please contact the HER for details.
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Jan 16 2025 11:39AM
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