Monument record MLI126101 - Former Green Dragon Public House, Lincoln
Location of the original 18th century, former Green Dragon public house. Demolished in 1956, with the pub moving to the adjacent building.
Type and Period (1)
- PUBLIC HOUSE (Post Medieval to Mid 20th Century - 1735 AD? to 1956 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
Full Description
A public house called the Green Dragon is thought to have occupied this site on Waterside North since at least 1735. The structure is thought to have been partly rebuilt in 1863, but was demolished in 1956, when works to widen the adjacent Broadgate road were conducted. A photograph taken of the building in 1954 shows it to have been of two storeys, and built of brick with a slate roof. An application to transfer the pub's licence to the much older adjacent building was approved prior to the demolition, with the Green Dragon re-opening there in 1957 (see MLI94090). {1}{2}
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SLI16841 Digital Archive: The Lost Pubs Project. 2007->. The Lost Pubs Project. Lincoln.
- <2> SLI17139 Article in Monograph: Adam Cartwright. 2017. 'The Green Dragon: The Pub That Moved Next Door' in Pubs in Lincoln: A History. p.43.
Grid reference | Centred SK 9777 7114 (12m by 14m) Estimated from Sources |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
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Record last edited
Aug 24 2022 9:40AM
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