Site Event/Activity record ELI13801 - 41 Front Street, East Stockwith


Grid reference Centred SK 78880 94571 (10m by 12m) Surveyed


  • Photographic Survey


Globe Consultants


From 01 Jan 2023 to 31 Jan 2023 (at some time)



A brief programme of research and photographic recording was conducted prior to the proposed demolition of 41 Front Street, East Stockwith. The building is a probable late 19th century date former house, built of orange brick and featuring a hipped slate roof. {1} Was the subject of a brief programme of research and photographic recording, conducted in January 2013 prior to its proposed demolition. The house was rectangular in plan, of two storeys and three bays, with a central door with plain overlight. The brickwork throughout was variegated, with the lower half of the western elevation seeming to have originally been either a garden wall or part of an earlier structure. The house had two rooms to ground and first floor, separated by a staircase rising directly from the front door. Additionally, the ground floor kitchen contained a scullery and pantry to either side of the kitchen, while one of the first floor rooms had a small room to one side and a cupboard over the stairs; the small room being lit by the horizontal sash window. The ground floor had two fireplaces, one large enough to accommodate a range, with a further small fireplace to the first floor, although none of the hearths or fireplace surrounds were extant. The doors were all plain, being four-panelled wood with Bakelite handles. The brickwork of the rear wall was exposed in the south, first-floor room, and showed a straight joint angled into the pitch of an earlier roofline, to the south of which are two phases of brickwork. The building was demolished soon afterwards, with the site being cleared by mid 2013. {5}

External Links (0)

Sources/Archives (1)

  •  Report: Globe Consultants. 2013. 41 Front Street, East Stockwith. -.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • 41 Front Street, East Stockwith (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 19 2023 11:47AM


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